
Clone wiki

atlasboard / Understanding how Atlasboard works

What is Atlasboard

Atlasboard is a nodejs npm global module that allows you to create wallboards.

Atlasboard, once installed globally, will do two things for you:

  • Provide a command line interface you can use to generate wallboard projects, Dashboards, Widgets and Jobs and run them.
  • Provide the common wiring to your wallboard once created ( binding, job scheduling, widget rendering, etc)

The basic work flow is this:

  1. Install atlasboard npm install -g atlasboard (you will need node 0.8 or above)
  2. Create your own wallboard using the atlasboard new command
  3. Search and import packages that the community has built already for you. A package can contain dashboards, widgets and jobs. (the job is the server side component, the widget is the client side, and a dashboard is the glue between all them to create the actual wallboard). This or this are good starting points.
  4. You probably would like to create your own dashboards, widgets, and jobs. You can put them together into a package (e.g. packages/mycompany). Once you finish, feel free to publish that package so the community can use it.
